Sherry Kosnaski

Sherry Kosnaski

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United States
My name’s Sherry, and I’m an avid reader/video gamer/tabletop RPG player, aspiring writer
and teacher, dog mom to a lovely Scottish Terrier mix named Scruffy and sister to an amazing
little brother named Nick!

I also happen to be transgender and began my medical transition with the help of HRT when
I was 16! Initially, I was trepidatious at the mere inkling of making money off of doting fans
for fear of coming off as greedy, but as I plunged deeper and deeper into the world of social
media and accrued more attention and engaged in discourse with some of these people who
followed me, I realized that with Patreon, I could supply y’all with something while I get funds to help out myself,
my family, and my endeavors!

I realized it would be a sublime way to generate an ambient income to aid in various financial woes a
nd headaches while providing enjoyment to the people supporting what I do! Anyways, I digress; your
support here will enable me to provide more content for Instagram, and eventually, could enable me
to pick up cosplaying, video game streaming with a proper setup and all that!

I’ve had aspirations of Twitch streaming and running a YouTube channel for years, but the prospect
has always seemed really daunting. As an individual, I set out to deliver my best effort in everything,
and until now, I didn’t feel like I could deliver that. With the cocksure swagger and aplomb of a nymph
inside me, a sense of compassion and a moderately amusing sense of humor, I finally feel like I would be
able to really present the world with an uplifting personage that makes everyone smile, be it on Instagram, Twitch or anywhere else!


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